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How Long Does Nutmeg Last? Does it Go Bad?

It is not uncommon for us to be amazed by the sheer range of spices at our disposal today, with nutmeg being one of them.

But do you know enough about this spice?

Is it safe and effective after a certain period or does it expire?

If yes, how long does nutmeg last before going bad?

Well, if these are questions irking your mind, then you have landed in the right place!

In this blog post we will explore everything related to nutmeg — from its origin to shelf life and much more!

So buckle up readers because this is going to be a delicious ride as we unravel all there is to know about this amazing spice.

What is Nutmeg?

Nutmeg is a spice that comes from the fruit of the evergreen tree Myristica fragrans, which is native to Indonesia.

The tree produces two spices: nutmeg and mace.

Nutmeg is the seed of the tree, while mace is the lacy covering that surrounds the seed.

Both spices have similar flavor profiles, but mace is slightly more bitter.

Nutmeg is used in sweet and savory dishes alike, and is especially popular in holiday baking.

How Long Does Nutmeg Last?

Nutmeg is a spice that is derived from the seed of the Myristica fragrans tree.

The spice has a warm, sweet and slightly bitter flavor that can be used in sweet or savory dishes.

Nutmeg can be grated fresh or purchased pre-ground.

Ground nutmeg will lose its flavor more quickly than whole nutmeg, so it’s best to buy whole nutmeg and grate it as needed.

Nutmeg can be stored in a cool, dry place for up to six months.

If you’re wondering how long does nutmeg last, the answer is that it depends on how you store it.

Nutmeg is best stored in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.

If stored properly, ground nutmeg will last for about six months while whole nutmeg will last for up to one year.

After that, the flavor of the spice will start to decline.

So if you want to make sure your nutmeg is fresh, it’s best to buy whole nuts and grate them as needed.

You can also extend the shelf life of ground nutmeg by storing it in the freezer.

Just be sure to use an airtight container so that the flavor isn’t compromised.

Can You Freeze Nutmeg?

Yes, you can freeze nutmeg.

Nutmeg is a versatile spice that can be used in sweet and savory dishes alike.

When stored properly, frozen nutmeg can last for up to 6 months.

To freeze nutmeg, start by grinding the whole spice into a fine powder using a coffee grinder or mortar and pestle.

Place the nutmeg powder into an airtight container and label it with the date.

Then, store the container in the freezer.

When you’re ready to use the frozen nutmeg, thaw it overnight in the refrigerator.

You can then add it to any dish you like.

How to Tell If Nutmeg is Bad?

When it comes to spices, freshness is key to achieving the best flavor.

Nutmeg is no exception.

This spice is derived from the seed of an evergreen tree and has a warm, slightly sweet taste that can be used in sweet or savory dishes.

While nutmeg does have a long shelf life, eventually it will go bad.

Here are a few signs to look out for that indicate your nutmeg has gone bad.

The first sign that nutmeg has gone bad is a change in color.

Fresh nutmeg should be a light brown color, but as it starts to go bad, it will become darker brown or even black.

Another sign of bad nutmeg is a change in texture.

If your nutmeg starts to feel gritty or powdery, it’s time to toss it out.

The final way to tell if nutmeg has gone bad is by smell.

If the spice doesn’t have its characteristic aroma anymore, it’s time to get rid of it.

If you’re not sure whether your nutmeg has gone bad, err on the side of caution and throw it out.

It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to consuming spoiled spices.

How to Store Nutmeg?

Nutmeg is a spice that comes from the nut of the Myristica tree.

It has a warm, sweet taste and is often used in baking or to add flavor to savory dishes.

Nutmeg can be bought whole or ground, and it should be stored in a cool, dark place.

When stored properly, whole nutmeg will last for about two years and ground nutmeg will last for about six months.

To store whole nutmeg, purchase nuts that are still in their shells.

These can be stored in a cool, dark place for up to two years.

If you have already shelled the nuts, wrap them in a cloth and store them in an airtight container.

Ground nutmeg should also be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.

It will last for six months when stored properly.


We’ve gone over how to tell if nutmeg is bad, how to store it, and how long it lasts.

Overall, nutmeg is a spice that doesn’t go bad too easily, but it’s still important to be aware of the signs that it has gone bad.

To extend its shelf life, make sure to store it in a cool, dry place.

Check out our spice storage guide for more tips.

How Long Does Nutmeg Last? Does it Go Bad?

5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Shelf Life
Servings 1 Serving


  • Nutmeg
  • Air-tight containers or Ziplock bags
  • Labels and markers


  • Store your product in an labelled container in a cool, dark place like the pantry or fridge.
  • If your food is frozen, allow it to thaw in the fridge before cooking.
  • Make sure to look for signs that your food has gone bad before eating it.
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